our mission

We seek to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the university setting. We are passionate about sharing the hope of Jesus in an environment where Christianity is stereotypically opposed or forgotten. We do not want you to come to college and be a spiritual spectator. We deeply desire that you enjoy participating in the great plan that God has for your life. 

Everything we do is designed specifically with college students in mind, including our Sunday services, Bible studies, discussion groups, service projects, mission trips and more! By actively meeting with students within the campus environment, basically bringing Church to you, we foster better participation, greater community, and a deeper commitment.

u p w a r d

Our top priority is to help college students understand what it looks like to follow Christ personally. We seek to come alongside students and help them learn how to read God’s Word, spend time in prayer, and actively live out and share their faith with others. Regardless of a student's spiritual background, we want to help them follow Christ and learn what it means to worship Him in every area of their life.


We were not made to seek after God alone; God designed us to be in relationship with others. At H2O Church, everything we do is rooted in our desire to know and follow God together. Our passion is to grow in community and connect with others who love Christ. We want to be a church and community of people who seek to show others the love of Christ through our love for one another.


As a church, we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ on our campuses and communities. We are not called to keep our faith to ourselves, but to go and make disciples and share the love and hope of Christ with others. We seek to be a church that reaches those who don’t know the Lord, and desire to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our communities as we show and share the love of Christ with others.



God is eternal. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Completely good and holy.

The Bible is God’s Word, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The Church is made up of all true believers.

Sin (wrong doing) is a reality for all people, so each of us is separated from God.

Jesus, God’s Son, came into the world to die in order to pay for our sin.

This payment allows those who believe to return to a right relationship with God.

All people are called to turn from their sin and believe in Christ Jesus.

Followers of Jesus are to make disciples, in love and humility.

 Download the full Statement of Faith