Meet molly

Hi there! My name is Molly. I have two younger sisters more precious than gold, I love to read about theology and linguistics, and my favorite movie is the 2009 masterpiece Paul Blart Mall Cop.

As I was considering universities to attend for my undergraduate degree, I was faced with a difficult decision: should I pursue a degree at a Christian college, or a secular one? Although there are considerable benefits to both, I was struck with the notion that a secular, world-soaked university would be one thing: a challenge

I would have been so blessed at a Bible-believing university and surrounded by thousands of people who shared my faith, but the rest of the WORLD needs Jesus. I chose a place where God’s message needed to be amplified. So, I accepted an offer of admission at Bowling Green State University in Northwest Ohio to study Speech-Language Pathology.

Holy cow, I was terrified. I had no idea what difficulties and joys were waiting for me. I knew that I was going to feel untethered in a new place, away from my family, with no friends, and no place that felt like home. Also, at that time--although I wouldn’t have admitted it--I wasn’t a mature believer. I said “Lord, Lord” with my lips, but my heart was so bitter and so hardened to the world. I was heartless and ruthless at times, far from God, cruel to those closest to me, and blaming everyone but myself.


But, by God’s grace, I had faithfully made a mental list of every church in Bowling Green and was ready to find one that worshiped Him. H2O church BG was the first on my list, and nearly immediately, I was loved by these people: the pastoral team, my Bible study leaders, and the friends I met in a Bible study. By God’s grace, they pushed me and loved me, just how God designed it. Preaching Proverbs 17:17 with the works of their hands, they loved at all times and were born for adversity. I was so held.

My faith has grown so much since I was a first-year. I read the whole Bible for the first time (and the second time, and the third time). I saw God for who He says He is, I saw His faithfulness, great wrath and greater love, and above all, His PRECIOUSNESS. The Holy Spirit worked its way into my desolate heart and gave me new life. I see the Lord changing me into the image of His son and renewing me in knowledge after the image of my Creator. I’ve been made new. 


And, like it or not, everyone changes when they go to college (or, if you choose not to go to college, you’ll change too!). You’ll hear every message and mantra and worldview under the sun, and it’s so dangerous. Do not dismiss this--the world screams its power at you. And we are so, so weak to resist it. Eventually, we choose. With every step, we run toward the world (toward death) or toward Jesus. And we cannot run to the Father and to His truth on our own. We must recognize our great need to walk alongside people who strain to hear the whisperings of God among the influence of the Evil One. We must be convicted, and encouraged, and taken care of, in a body of believers. We must be reminded that our worth and significance is not defined by our ability or achievements, but in the finished work of Christ Jesus who died and was raised again. 


This walk can be inconvenient and unglamorous, I won’t lie to you. Contrary to popular belief, college is not a place for four years of unabated pleasure and entertainment and self-seeking sin. Nope. College is a place for our faith to be made unshakeable and for our God to receive the worship He is due. College is a place to love new people and to rejoice in the sweet blessings He has given us (there is so much fun here in Christ, too!). 

"College is a place for our faith to be made unshakeable and for our God to receive the worship He is due."

meet mason

My story on how I found H2O Church is rather unique. On a Saturday in September of my high school senior year, I was on a college visit to Ohio State and spent the night on campus. Sunday morning came, and I knew I wanted to go to church, but I didn’t know where to go. Given that, I was pretty much open to trying any church in the campus area. After a quick google search, I found that H2O Church was in close proximity to campus, so I decided to try it out. Though I mistakenly went to the city service as opposed to the campus service, everyone was really friendly and welcoming, and I really enjoyed the service.

Fast-forward 11 months to my arrival on campus as an Ohio State student. Having a desire to get connected with a church in college, I remembered my experience with H2O church on my college visit, so I decided to try it out again. Before I even got in the door, I was met with the same warm, friendly, and welcoming smiles that I experienced during my visit in high school. I was connected with a campus team before I left service that day, and I have been a part of that team ever since.

H2O church has helped me grow in my faith in copious amounts of ways, but specifically in their team nights and small-group bible studies. These are spaces where groups of people can come together multiple nights per week to study God's Word and learn to be more like Him. My church from back home never really had a youth group when I was younger, so getting to dive into the Word with other people my age outside of Sunday Service was deeply transformative. 

Another example of how H2O has helped me grow in my faith are the ways that members on staff with H2O have put effort into me and my growth. Whether it be through studying the Bible, reading through/discussing a book, listening to me as I process my struggles, providing me with counsel/encouragement, praying with/for me, etc., they have been huge blessings in my life, and I cannot thank the Lord enough for them. They have equipped me with many resources and skills that are valuable for my spiritual development. Lastly, H2O has provided me with many great friendships and opportunities to serve, both for which I am very thankful.

I would encourage future students to get involved with a campus church because it will help them to grow substantially in their walks with the Lord. At the end of the day, a growing relationship with the Lord is more valuable than a 4.0 GPA, great salary/bank account, or anything else things of this world could provide. In addition, a campus church will provide friends who love the Lord, opportunities to serve, opportunities to travel/devote time to the Lord, and so much more. In my opinion, joining a campus church is a no-brainer.